Saturday, June 30, 2018

Is it possible to stay on plan in Vegas?

Follow me on IG: tricia_ann0714
Check out my FB album, Reaching Goals

     This week was a challenge for me. It started with a beast of a leg day with Brandon. He killed me with lunges to the 'lunge chair' (a chair precariously placed across the room and known for being the destination the trainers have clients lunge to from various starting points in the gym) and squats. My legs were sore before I even left the gym on Monday. It didn't help that the next day I had agreed to help my son move into his new apartment...on the second floor. When I mentioned that to my trainer, Brandon, his response was 'good for your recovery.' Thank you very much boss. But I guess in a way he was right. As always. Because I did feel better before we were even done that day. I had walked up and down the stairs moving boxes for my son probably 100 times (at least it felt like that) and forgot about my leg day whoas.

     But the biggest challenge was on Wednesday when my husband and I went for a short getaway to Vegas. After a month of training and talking about changes in my meals to eat more clean, I was more than a little bit nervous about going to sin city. I decided to go with the attitude that I would exercise and eat well as often as I could but if there were obstacles to doing that I would make the most of it and enjoy myself. After all it was only 3 days. And in my head I thought it would be good practice for staying on plan when I go away for a week next month and again in August. When I asked Brandon what I should eat in Vegas he told me he wasn't going to tell me what to eat in Vegas and that I should 'get it out of my system' (not being on plan) so when I get back I can concentrate on training and eating clean.

     So I packed with good intentions and made sure to bring my workout clothes and sneakers and I would hit the gym here before we left town on Wednesday. The resort we were staying at had a fitness center and I intended to hit it every day the three days we were there. We were scheduled to leave on Wednesday mid-morning. I guess I could say I didn't start off to a great start when I consider the fact that I didn't make it to the gym that morning before we left. I had convinced myself that I would make the time to workout at the resort gym once we were settled in our room. I should know better because even the best laid plans go awry.

     So day one in Vegas we arrive on time, get to the resort and after waiting in a long check in line find out that our room will not be ready for 3 more hours. We end up getting sucked into a timeshare presentation in an attempt to get free show tickets but not before we get a bite to eat. Meal #1 in Vegas was a win; grilled chicken salad with a bottle of water. Was so proud of myself I sent a picture to Brandon. He was impressed but sure it wouldn't last. He apparently had no faith in me even though he said he did. At the time share thing we went to they, of course, they had coffee, soda, water, snacks and cookies. I stuck with water and no snacks which was a feat in itself considering the 90 minutes they said we would be there turned into 4 hours!! By the time we got back to our resort we had only a couple hours before the show so I went looking for the fitness center. When I asked the security guard in the lobby where it was because I couldn't find it according to the map they gave us, his response was to laugh. Yes. He laughed! I was like wth? He told me NO ONE goes to the fitness center. And when he gave me directions on where to find it I still couldn't find it. Either the fitness center was in some alternate reality or there was no fitness center. Seriously. The resort was as big as an airport mall. It was easy to get lost just going to your room. So I gave up for that day.

     We decided to walk up to the strip to the show from our resort which was located about a mile down the strip from where The Mirage was located. A mile is fine. I've walked/hiked more than a mile before. But not in the Las Vegas heat while wearing a dress to go out to dinner. But I sucked it up and we walked. One thing someone had told us is that everything in Vegas looks a lot closer than it actually is. So i cringed when my husband said, 'The Mirage is right there.' I wish I had a Fitbit so I could have seen how many steps we had walked that night. THAT was my workout for the day. And as far as meals goes I did well by having another salad at dinner.

     Thursday and Friday played out about the same with walking, the heat and meals. I was surprised at how much easier it was than I thought it would be to eat healthy. I mean I could probably do better cooking my own meals but meals like the salmon dinner with rice and steamed veggies at Margaritaville were delicious and the menu bragged how it was low cal. We walked up and down the strip, over to the Pawn Stars shop (which was pretty amazing) and all in the Las Vegas heat of 104 degrees. (no humidity like back home in PA tho). The whole time in Vegas I did super good with meals. So Friday morning I decided to have a cheat meal with French toast and eggs for a late breakfast. We had walked an ungodly amount of steps while we were there. So I figured we would have time to walk off a cheat meal before we took the red eye home last night.

     Although we had a good time in Vegas, I think I would have enjoyed myself more if I had gone when I was younger, could drink and didn't have to worry so much about meals because I was training to lose weight. But when I look at the 3 days in Vegas with my new perspective, I think I did pretty well trying to adapt and stay on plan. I missed the gym tho. I could not wait to get down there this morning to do cardio and tomorrow training with Brandon is going to feel so good!

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