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So it has been one month since I started on my transformation journey and I've learned a lot about taking care of myself, eating right and weight training. I know we are still in the beginning stages of this whole process but I already feel a lot better and I'm starting to see results. The results are not on the scale or in the mirror but in the way I feel and how I think. Going to the gym 5 day a week for the last month has helped me focus on the positive, look forward to changes, set goals and be patient. About 2 weeks into training with Brandon I was sitting at my computer one night after teaching a lesson. (I work part time as an online English teacher). I was thinking about the workout we had done that night (and when I say 'we' I really mean me lol since Brandon will demonstrate and then I do the work) and how I can feel my body changing. Sitting at my computer I could feel the muscles in my abs and shoulders. I've learned the difference between good and bad soreness and although I have bursitis in my shoulder that acts up after an upper body workout, I ice it and it recovers. And after one month that recovery time keeps lessening. I am amazed by what I've been doing at the gym. Having never lifted a weight before I started training and not knowing the first thing about working out beyond the cardio machine, never in a million years did I ever see myself doing chin ups! Brandon is an amazing trainer who pushes me and as a result I push myself a lot harder than I ever imagined I was capable of. Brandon has told me that it's all about changing for the better gradually mentally, physically and spiritually. I can now see how I'm changing. I got home from work late one night about 3 weeks into training. I could have easily plopped down on the sofa to watch tv or gone to bed. It was a long day and I was exhausted. But instead of being a bum I put on my workout clothes and out the door I went. It was about 9pm when I got to the gym. When Brandon told me he saw me on the treadmill I told him I had a choice between going to bed or going to the gym and you can see where my mind is at. He told me that's where it should be and that I'm already changing my habits. And it's true. No matter how I'm feeling good or bad I always feel better if I make it to the gym that day.

Don't get me wrong. This journey is a challenge. Although at times I am motivated and on track, there are still a lot of challenges. The change is in the way I handle and recover from the challenges. My husband and I love to go to concerts. This month was the start of a summer of concerts. Twice this month I've been sitting in a diner or Waffle House at 1am staring at a plate of food I know I should not be eating and regretted it the next day. The difference now though is the next day I get up and brush off my pride and determination and go to the gym. In the past I would spend the entire next day regretting eating a greasy cheeseburger and french fries in the middle of the night and using that setback to springboard a weekend of binging or unhealthy eating. No more. I recognize I should have made a better choice, check it off as a lesson learned and move on. Baby steps to changing my life and mindset.
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