Sunday, December 2, 2018

Top 3 baby!! Not bad for a newbie

Follow me on IG: tricia_ann0714
Check out my FB album, Reaching Goals  

After ten weeks of hard training, following a strict meal plan, giving carb cycling a try (and surviving), and literally being at the gym every day, the final weigh-in for the Muscle Inc Fall Transformation Challenge was here. On Saturday November 17 the challengers who stuck it out to the end came in for final pictures, measurements and weigh-in at Muscle Inc. I was excited to see the results but nervous about whether or not I had a chance at winning. I had worked really hard but had already decided that this was not the end and that the challenge was just a stepping stone along my journey. If I didn't win I was still proud of what I accomplished.

     I actually felt pretty good when I got to the gym that Saturday morning and couldn't wait to see what my weight loss was. All in all, I lost 21 lbs and 14 inches in the 10 week challenge. My goal had been 25 lbs but 21 was still a good finish. At the beginning of the challenge when we had the initial weigh-in, measurements and pictures I had Bobby take before pics with my phone too so I had a frame of reference. When I looked at the pics that day I was a little disgusted. I told Brandon, "I'm not happy with my before pics!" And he told me, "Good! You're not supposed to like them." So during the 10 week challenge I used those pictures as a motivator to stay the course. I was at the gym 6 days a week training and working out. I followed the prescribed meal plan that Brandon gave me and started carb cycling in week 8. I only weighed in every 2 weeks to keep myself from obsessing over the number on the scale. All this plus Brandon's motivational style of training is what contributed to my success.

    It would be 2 weeks before the winners were announced.  The final weigh-in was the weekend before Thanksgiving. So the trainers didn't vote until the following week. The suspense was killing me. Brandon said to me one night last week when we were training, "The trainers are voting tonight. So soon as we are done training I'm putting in my vote." I told him to vote honestly. I didn't want his vote simply because I was his client. I wanted him to vote for the person whom he felt had the biggest transformation.

Before and after pics from the 10 week Muscle Inc Fall Transformation Challenge 2018
I started my transformation  journey in June after being inspired by several people in my life and at the gym. I joined the challenge because my trainer, Brandon, had inspired me to continue to set goals and move forward in my journey. His faith in me is what keeps me inspired at the gym. And having a husband who has supported me and encouraged me every step of the way is a huge support too. Brandon told me once "Take care of your body. It’s the only one you get!" and I can't believe I never thought about my health and well being like that before. I think about the day he said that to me often as I go through my transformation and reach my goals. As we approached the end of the challenge I thought to myself that the challenge was a stepping stone that gave my weight loss and training a boost but it is not the end of my journey. I do not plan to stop. The challenge is over and I'm still at it full speed setting goals in heavy squats and deadlifts for strength and setting expectations for changes in my body and appearance.

    But I was excited when I got my official results from the Transformation Challenge. I forgot to have Bobby take after pics on the final weigh-in and that was part of the reason I was so anxious to hear the results. Two days after the trainers voted I messaged Bobby asking when they were announcing the winner because the suspense was killing me! Later that day, I was more than excited to find out I had taken 3rd place when I saw the post on Muscle Inc.'s Facebook and Instagram pages. Top 3 baby! I still crack up when I look at my before pics. Boy, if that is not a serious game face, I don't know what is!

Sept 7 >>> Nov 17 (10 wks)
Weight 204 > 183 ⬇️ 21 lbs
Waist 39 1/2 > 33 ⬇️ 6 1/2 in
Hips 47 > 44 1/4 ⬇️ 2 3/4 in
Arm 12 1/2 > 11 1/2 ⬇️ 1 in
Thigh 27 >23 ⬇️ 4 in

    After the challenge I was overwhelmed by the congratulations from friends, family and followers on IG and FB. It felt good to be recognized for my hard work. I had told Brandon I wanted to win for the bragging rights. Well, 3rd place was good enough for me. I was flattered by the accolades from Transform PT and Muscle Inc. This has been an incredible journey so far. I am so glad I joined Muscle Inc. last February and signed up for a trainer with Transform PT in June. Right now, I am having a hard time wrapping my brain around the idea that after only 9 months I placed in the top 3 for my first challenge. The trainers at Transform PT are incredible and Muscle Inc. has become my extended family!

    This whole experience has inspired me to write this blog. I am sad to see my trainer, Brandon, move on though. The relationship we have formed is indescribable. He is my sensei, my gym guru, my friend, my motivator and my inspiration. I have been training with him 6 days a week to finish our sessions before he leaves. But I will continue on my journey after he is gone and I will continue to blog about it too!  Thank you Brandon and all the awesome people at Muscle Inc. and Transform PT. You have literally changed my life!

    So if you are sitting there reading this thinking you wish you had the motivation to start on your own fitness journey. If you have ever thought you were too old, too tired, to busy or too inexperienced to change your outlook on life and reinvent yourself for the better...think again!  And if you need someone to help you get motivated, I’m all ears. But I must warn you if you ask me for advice you will end up at the gym and sore the next day. 💪🏻💪🏻

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